Love, Joy, Peace...

The Church, with the home, is the most important institution in any community.  Church means a "Called Out Assembly" a "Congregation" to hold Christ before the people.  He being the heart and center of the Church, and its Lord.  The Church exists to bear witness to Christ.  Christ Himself, not the Church, is the transforming power in people's lives. 

Culbertson Church was organized the third Sunday in May 20, 1877, with 19 charter members.  The charter members were: Mrs. W.C. Gill; Emaline Chapman Baughman; Ms. Allace Dacus; N.J. Frasier; Mrs. M.C. Frasier; W.L. Gill; J. Ella Hicks; John W. Hughes; Laura Kirkland; Ms. Sallie Watson; M.J. Baughman; Mrs. Bethany Culbertson; J.L. Frasier; Mary Frasier; W.M. Gill; Mrs. W.J. Gill; Mr. J.F. Hicks; Della Hughes; Lizzie Mobley.

It was referred to as "The Missionary Baptist Church".  In 1878, it was officially accepted into the Concord Baptist Association as Culbertson Baptist Church.  It derived its name from the Culbertson community after the John Culbertson family arrived at the present site in 1847.  The 12 acres of land donated by the Culbertson estate on which the Church now stands was later surveyed to be 13 acres.  Its location is the joining of Lincoln and Union Parishes on Louisiana Highway 151.

The Church came from an obscure log building, no ceiling, unpainted, barn type roof, open by 3 doors, one down each side and one at each end with a pulpit in the West end.  To meet the demands from growth in the community a 2-room school building was erected.  In this building Church meetings and school were held.

In approximately 1908 the old white Church building, located at the West end of the current West wing, was erected and used for school part time after the 2-room school burned down around 1930.

Our present Church building was started in 1955 by constructing the main sanctuary and baptistery, in 1965 the Church steeple, front porch entrance, in 1973 East wing for educational hall, Church offices and kitchen.  The West wing, for educational classes, and parsonage was completed in 1977.

The Lord has used many, Deacons and Pastors with various talents, gifts and abilities to plant and water the congregation, but He gave the increase.  The Church spread the word of God through Worship, Bible Teaching, Music Ministry, Sunday School, Missions, Youth and other programs sponsored by the Church.  For many years it has had Wednesday night suppers and September Home-Coming as a tradition, where diverse cooking talents have, and are still being displayed.